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Tell your Elected Officials to protect Kids Online and Place Responsible Safeguards on Big Tech.

Write a letter to them today and urge them to protect kids online.

Over 200 national, state, and local organizations support KOSA:

  • #HalfTheStory

  • 3Strands Global Foundation

  • Academy for Eating Disorders

  • Accanto Health

  • Accountable Tech

  • Active Minds

  • Ai Pono Hawaii

  • Alabama Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics 

  • Alaska Eating Disorders Alliance

  • Alexander Neville Foundation

  • Allies Against Slavery

  • American Academy of Family Physicians

  • American Academy of Pediatrics

  • American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work 

  • American Association for the Child's Right to Play

  • American Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 

  • American Compass

  • American Counseling Association

  • American Federation of Teachers

  • America First Policy Institute

  • American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

  • American Group Psychotherapy Association

  • American Mental Health Counselors Association

  • American Principles Project

  • American Psychological Association

  • AncoraTN

  • Angel AI

  • Anxiety and Depression Association of America

  • Arizona Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

  • Arkansas Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

  • Association For Ambulatory Behavioral Healthcare

  • Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies

  • Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents [ALAS]

  • BALANCE Eating Disorder Treatment Center Banu Foundation

  • Be Real USA

  • Becca Schmill Foundation

  • Berkeley Media Studies Group

  • Body Activists

  • Bridge2Future

  • California, American Academy of Pediatrics – Chapter 1

  • California, American Academy of Pediatrics – Chapter 2

  • California, American Academy of Pediatrics – Chapter 3

  • Carly Ryan Foundation

  • Carolina Resource Center for Eating Disorder

  • Center for Change

  • Center for Digital Democracy

  • Center for Discovery Eating Disorders Treatment

  • Center for Humane Technology

  • Center for Intuitive Eating

  • Center for Online Safety

  • Chasing Hope Foundation

  • ChildFund International

  • Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

  • Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development 

  • Christian Camp and Conference Association

  • Citizens for Decency

  • Clementine Programs

  • Clinical Social Work Association

  • Colorado Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

  • Common Sense Media

  • Concerned Women for America LAC

  • Consumer Action

  • Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology

  • D.C. Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

  • Defending the Early Years

  • David’s Legacy Foundation

  • Delaware Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

  • Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance

  • Design It For Us

  • Devin J. Norring Foundation

  • Digital Progress Institute

  • Discovery Mood & Anxiety Program

  • Disordered Eating Center of Charleston - Charleston, West Virginia 

  • Early Childhood Work Group, Screen Time Action Network at Fairplay 

  • Eating Disorder Coalition of Iowa

  • Eating Disorder Foundation

  • Eating Disorder Resource Center

  • Eating Disorders Coalition for Research, Policy, & Action

  • Eating Disorders New Hampshire

  • Eating Disorders Resource Center of Silicon Valley

  • Eating Recovery Center 

  • EDGE Consulting Partners 


  • Educate and Empower Kids 

  • Emily Program

  • Enough Is Enough

  • Equip Health

  • Erik's Cause

  • Ethics and Public Policy Center

  • Fairplay

  • Farrington Specialty Centers

  • Filmspire

  • Florida Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics For You

  • From Love

  • Galen Hope

  • Georgia Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

  • Global Hope 365

  • Heritage Foundation

  • Heritage Action

  • Hope For Justice

  • Idaho Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

  • IFEDD, The International Federation of Eating Disorder Dietitians 

  • Illinois Certified Recovery Support Specialist

  • Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

  • Indiana Chapter, American Academy of Pediatric

  • Inner Explorer

  • Inner Haven

  • Inseparable

  • Institute for Family Studies

  • International Society for Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses 

  • Iowa Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

  • Issue One 

  • Josselyn

  • Jewish Family and Children’s Services of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin, and Sonoma Counties

  • Kaleido Org

  • Kansas Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics 

  • Kentucky Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics 

  • Kentucky Eating Disorder Council

  • Kentucky Voices for Health

  • Ketch

  • Lines for Life

  • LiveMore ScreenLess

  • LiveRamp


  • Louisiana Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics 

  • Lynn's Warriors

  • Maine Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics 

  • Maryland Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics 

  • Massachusetts Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics 

  • Massachusetts PTA

  • MasterWord Services, Inc.

  • Match Group

  • Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance     

  • McCallum Place Eating Disorder Center 

  • Media Education Foundation

  • Mental Health America

  • Mental Health America of Arizona

  • Mental Health America of Augusta

  • Mental Health America of Greater Dallas

  • Mental Health America of Greater Houston

  • Mental Health America of Hawaii

  • Mental Health America of Hendricks County

  • Mental Health America of Illinois

  • Mental Health America of West Central Indiana, Inc.

  • Mental Health Association of Monmouth County 

  • Mental Health Association of South Mississippi 

  • Mental Health Minnesota

  • Mental Health Summit

  • Mental Health Work Group, Screen Time Action Network at Fairplay 

  • Michigan Eating Disorders Alliance

  • Microsoft

  • Mississippi Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

  • Missouri Eating Disorders Association

  • Missouri Eating Disorders Council

  • Monte Nido and Affiliates

  • Mothers Against Media Addiction

  • Multi-Service Eating Disorders Association, Inc (MEDA)

  • NAACP 

  • NAMI Barrington Area


  • NAMI Champaign

  • NAMI Lexington

  • NAMI South Suburbs

  • NAMI Will-Grundy

  • National Alliance for Eating Disorders

  • National Alliance on Mental Illness

  • National Association for Children's Behavioral Health

  • National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners

  • National Association of Social Workers

  • National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors 

  • National Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders

  • National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE)

  • National Eating Disorders Association

  • National Education Association

  • National Federation of Families

  • National League for Nursing

  • Nebraska Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

  • Nevada Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

  • New York State, American Academy of Pediatrics – Chapter 2 

  • New York State, American Academy of Pediatrics – Chapter 3 

  • Nintendo

  • No Trafficking Zone

  • North Dakota Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics 

  • North Carolina Pediatric Society

  • NoSo November

  • Nurses United Against Human Trafficking, P.A.

  • Odyssey Eating Disorder Network

  • Ohio Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

  • Oklahoma Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

  • Oliver-Pyatt Centers

  • Online Harms Prevention Work Group, Screen Time Action Network at Fairplay 

  • Opal: Food+Body Wisdom

  • Orange County Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

  • OUR Rescue

  • PACT

  • ParentsSOS

  • Parents Defending Education

  • Parents Television and Media Council

  • Parents Who Fight

  • ParentsTogether Action

  • Paving the Way Foundation

  • Pearl at the Mailbox

  • Pennsylvania Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

  • Policy Initiatives Institute

  • Porn Free Colorado

  • Postpartum Support International

  • Prevent Child Abuse Kentucky

  • Project HEAL

  • Project Liberty Action Network

  • Project STAND

  • Prosperity Eating Disorders and Wellness 

  • Protect Young Eyes

  • Public Citizen

  • Real Beauty Real Women (RBRW)

  • Realized Potential Inc

  • REDC Consortium

  • Renfrew Center

  • Rescue Innocence Movement

  • RI International

  • Rights4Girls

  • Rosewood Center for Eating Disorders

  • Rudd Center for Food Policy & Health

  • Safe House Project

  • Sandy Hook Promise

  • Screens in Schools Work Group, Screen Time Action Network at Fairplay 

  • SEA WAVES, Inc

  • SK Sultana LLC

  • Snapchat

  • Society for Digital Mental Health

  • Society for Research in Psychopathology

  • Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Division 53

  • South Carolina Legislative Roundtable

  • Southwest Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking

  • Stop Predatory Gambling and the Campaign for Gambling-Free Kids 

  • Strategic Training Initiative for the Prevention of Eating Disorders 

  • Student Data Privacy Project

  • Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE)

  • SunCloud Health

  • Survivor Leader Network of San Diego

  • Survivor Led Solutions

  • Tennessee Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

  • The Episcopal Church

  • The Jed Foundation

  • The Kennedy Forum

  • The Real Facebook Oversight Board

  • The Tech Oversight Project

  • Therapy for Black Kids

  • There Is Hope For Me, Inc.

  • TMS Consulting, PC

  • Together with Love

  • Twig &Thread Consulting

  • Utah Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

  • Veritas Collaborative

  • Vermont Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

  • Victus Counseling & Nutrition Services

  • Vote For Freedom

  • Walden Eating Disorders Treatment

  • Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America

  • Washington Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

  • Washington Nature Preschool Association (WaNPA)

  • Washington University School of Medicine Center for Healthy Weight and Wellness 

  • Wealth Management Ministries-Prevention Works Joint Task Force and Coalition 

  • West Virginia Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

  • Western New York Comprehensive Care Center for Eating Disorders

  • Will County Health Department

  • Wired Human

  • WithAll

  • Within Health

  • Wyoming Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics 

  • X (formerly Twitter)

  • YCA Human Trafficking Task Force

  • Yellowstone Human Trafficking Task Force


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